Event Details
Date & Time : February 28 - March 02, 2022 10:00 am
Join at : eTail West
Zinrelo is a modern-day, loyalty rewards platform that maximizes repeat sales and per-customer revenue through 360-degree customer engagement, data sciences and machine learning. Zinrelo Clients see an 80% increase in repeat sales, a 50% improvement in profitability and 2.4X per-customer revenue.
Zinrelo supports omni-channel loyalty programs across channels such as ecommerce, store POS, loyalty tablet, loyalty app, product codes and receipt scanning. Zinrelo is ranked #1 loyalty management software by G2 Crowd.
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Improving customer engagement is the first step towards customer retention. Zinrelo offers 6 flavors of loyalty that create engagement, boosts conversions, and increases customer lifetime value.